Starting a Small Business
Starting your own small business can be a very exciting and nerve wracking journey. One must find the balance of conducting business and making sure you are protecting yourself and your company. Starting a small business should begin with a business plan. The plan should include the overview and purpose of the business. After you have created the plan the first step you should take is establishing your business entity.
Framework for a small business
Establishing your business entity is one of the most important decisions you will make for your business. It will establish many aspect of the business such as taxation, liability, organization and who makes the decisions for the company. In Texas the Texas Business Organizations Code are the rules for starting a small business.
When you create your small business you will need to establish a legal presence with the Secretary of State or run the risks of personal liability. When starting a small business one should always lay out the groundwork for how the business is to be ran and who are the decision makers. Establishing a good framework can allow the business to grow easier and avoid legal complications.
Zavala Texas Law enjoys talking with new small business owners and trading ideas on how we can make your small business grow and stay protected.
We offer the Small Business Startup package which is great for new and starting business. Getting off to a good start is the best way to prevent future legal troubles. With our Small Business Startup package you can speak with our lawyers and discuss the best startup possibilities for your company.